Saturday, January 25, 2014

It Was "just" A Migraine...But I'm Normal Now!

I was a bit hesitant to try Ambien to sleep but I wanted to sleep SO bad that I decided to take one on Tuesday night.  I've heard horror stories about sleep walking,  sleep eating, sleep cooking, sleep bathing, sleep driving, sleep sex! However, the sleep was AMAZING! I don't think anything happened but I was in such a coma-like sleep that I would not know if anything fun happened while I was out.  However, I woke up with a headache that got worse and worse. My eyes felt like they were the size of tennis balls and my brain felt like it was too big for my skull!  I had a migraine starting and went home early from the office. I can't take Excedrin Migraine now because it's aspirin based and not something they want us to take with chemo. Sucks because that stuff works for me! I ended up taking Percocet and it helped take the edge off enough so I could at least sleep.

OMG the next morning was worse! My head hurt so bad I couldn't even move. I couldn't stand up, lay down, think, look at the TV, nothing. Everything just sucked and I was pissed off about it. I was for sure something was wrong and had Dave come get me to go see someone at Moffitt. They decided to do and MRI on my head and make sure there was nothing funny going on there. While waiting to get the MRI scheduled I had Dave get me a banana and water. Yup, I immediately barfed my brains out along with all the water I drank earlier, it was disgusting. Finally I get the MRI and luckily for me, my brain is perfect! So the outcome is that I am having a serious migraine....for two days. They told me to take Percocet and get some rest to see if it will go away.  Apparently this is a fun side effect of chemo and may or may not be related to the Ambien.

We left and I was starving since it's been a couple days since I ate real food. I had Dave drive through Chick Fil A and got some nuggets.  I ate a few of them and he made a U-turn and I made a frantic move for the empty bag!  Yup, I barfed my nuggets right back up.  I can laugh about it now but I was pissed off!  I was so hungry, my head hurt, and the pain made it so I was vomiting everything.......this shit gets old. On top of me feeling like total crap, my husband had horrible gas! While I was getting an MRI he went down to the cafeteria and, of all things, got split pea soup. Who eats that?! Well, it gave him the most rotten gas and didn't help my situation whatsoever. The entire ride home I had to keep rolling my window down because of him and I thought I'd share that so people can really feel sorry for me! Good thing I love this guy and can see past some of this non-lovable things!

I got home and took some nausea meds. I ate some bland stuff and took two Percocets and called it a night. When I got up on Friday I still had a headache but slightly better off than the previous two mornings. I decided to go ahead and take Excedrin Migraine and after an hour or so my headache was gone. Finally, I got up and made it to the office at about 1pm but felt great! My GYN called me after learning about my condition (she was out on medical leave since Nov.) and I told her to help me with this migraine issue so next time I will be trying Fioricet, fingers crossed it will work for me. Hands down, I have the sweetest GYN on the planet and I am so glad I found her thanks to Laura's recommendation years ago.

Since I did feel well I met up with my bestie, Laura, so we can get dinner. I needed to pass the bottle I had from the Destination Ellen Project known as Seeking Noah. Laura was diagnosed in 2009 with Stage IV colon cancer and her good friend Stephanie was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer at the same time, what are the odds? I'm honored to have been a part of this Project and passing the bottle on to Stephane so she can share her story.  This bottle is being passed through the hands of cancer survivors and fighters until it gets back to the Ellen Show!  More information can be found about the project by clicking here.
I am passing the Destination Ellen bottle off to Stephanie who is a Stage 3 colon cancer survivor!

This is my bestie Laura handing the Destination Ellen bottle off to me at my 1st chemo session. 

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