Thursday, June 6, 2019

My Happy 5-Year Cancerversary!

Me and David learning how to make glass in
Murano, Italy - November, 2018
Today is what I consider my five-year cancerversary, this means my body was rid of Triple Negative Breast Cancer (aka TNBC) five years ago today!! Some people use their diagnosis date, some people use their last chemo day, but I use my double mastectomy date because that's when it was gone! Every time I started to write something to start this blog post my eyes get watery with happiness and sadness all at the same time.

Today is a good day and I remember 5 years seeming like the impossible back when I was going through treatment and surgeries. I remember thinking I might not make it to this day, and I remember thinking that God only knows what I'll even look like!  I was so weak 5 years ago and could not imagine being healthy again. Today was the day I walked into the hospital to get my breasts removed and start reconstruction for new ones. For a woman, this is a strange feeling.  This is part of why I get a little emotional too, that was so intense for me, my family, and my friends. There are so many unknowns facing something like that and it's scary to say the least. I put my trust in my doctors at Moffitt and they didn’t disappoint me one bit!

Walking in for my double mastectomy
w/ reconstruction surgery 6/6/14
TNBC is very aggressive and of all the breast cancers to get, it's probably the one you would prefer not to have. But research is improving and it's getting more exposure and people like me are surviving, however not everyone is that fortunate and I think this is part of what makes my eyes tear up too. I think survivors of all kinds have Survivor’s Guilt. I’ve learned that it's OK to feel this way and I realize that we all have a purpose on this planet no matter how much time we get, so do something good in their memory.

Today I look back at what I've accomplished over these past five years. I also think about what I have not accomplished too! I can admit that there are days when I don't even think about the cancer I had; those thoughts used to consume me. My advice to those that let cancer define you is go find something to do unrelated to cancer and make a difference.

Post DMX surgery 6/6/14
The 5-year cancerversary is very significant to survivors. These are milestones for us that are understood and appreciated in an unspoken way that's hard to explain! So today I am grateful for the life I have and ability to look towards hitting my 10 years cancerversary! 

My goal now is to continually share my story and effort to spread awareness of my cancer ……actually, ALL cancers. Be vigilant with your cancer screening! Don't put it off and don't wait until insurance allows you to be screened. It's happening at younger and younger ages and cancer doesn't care how old or young you are. I was diagnosed at 38 years old and found my lump just shy of 2 months after my yearly well women’s exam.  Cancer sucks!

This part is for those who are fighting now. I remember wondering what survivors are doing with their lives and if their lives are ever “normal” again.  My life is not normal but that has nothing to do with the cancer I had! I am the President of several companies that my husband and I operate: these range from an industrial/marine hydraulic company to a wild hog farm! I run the nationwide Dogo Argentino dog rescue and have a dozen dogs of our own that I love with all my heart. I don’t have kids and glad that I am a “childless” woman today. This means I get to devote my time to my dogs and other important people in my life. My life know is overbooked and a bit chaotic with all we have going on, but I can tell you one thing, it is never boring!
Typical pic!!

My heart goes out to anyone fighting this disease right now and to those who share this experience with me. I hope that one day we don’t lose our friends and family to cancer and that all treatment or prevention works. Although I hate cancer with every cell in my body, I do think that surviving it made be a better person and allowed me to genuinely appreciate what life has to offer us.
Pheasant hunting in S. Dakota with dogs!
Hunter, Me, and Moxy (April 2019)

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