Saturday, December 13, 2014

Bah Humbug???

OK so it's December and we are in the middle of the holidays.....Bah Humbug right? As a kid we can't wait for this time of year and as an adult sometimes we can't wait for it to end! Well I have a different outlook on it now and every holiday is a gift..... that includes birthdays and anniversaries. In the past I can remember this time of year being a hassle dealing with all the shopping, events, traffic, people, family, food, deserts, drinks, hangovers, more food, and more drinks! We all complain about the crappy eating habits and weight gain then start the new year off at the gym! I know....every year we do the same thing and bitch about the same thing but this year is different for me. Don't get me wrong, I will still bitch and complain but I also have a new appreciation!

Happy 40th to my bestie!!
Tonight I went to celebrate my beastie's 40th birthday!!! This girl is a true cancer warrior and started chemo again yesterday....I think this is about her 61st round of chemo over the past 5+ years.  She is a stage IV colon cancer fighter and I credit her for giving me the strength and inspiration to "Keep Calm and Fight On"! Again, holidays and birthdays have a whole new meaning to me now and I want to be sure to celebrate all of them. It's sad that it takes an illness to make us realize how important these times really are.
You know what else I've learned through all this? .....have more patience with people!  We get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of getting somewhere, shopping, eating, running errands, blah, blah, blah. We get pissed off when someone takes "our" parking spot or when someone cuts us off then makes us miss the green light.  But does it really matter? No. We're all trying to do the same things during this holiday season and we all get frustrated with each other and it ruins the spirit behind Christmas. I still have to stop and remind myself sometimes to just brush it off when someone does something stupid while driving or walking. I say walking because people have their faces in their phones texting and now you need to watch out for them too! It really does seem like people are floating around aimlessly these days but we need to just laugh about it. I'm sure I've been that person looking like an idiot myself.

My Hunter volunteering as Pet Therapy dog @ Moffitt
Again, I'm just grateful to be alive and well this Christmas. I need to not stress about the little things because we have enough stress as it is. We all need to find a way to give back and consider those who are less fortunate or those that are facing the holidays without their loved ones. Reach out to people you know that have lost their wife, mother, child, friend, grandparent, etc. Let them know you are thinking about them by sending a card, text, message, or making a phone call. Reach out to people that are less fortunate and donate a few toys or some food to a local charity. I know that I can't do a lot but I can contribute a little. If we all do at least that then we are doing something. I can't bring back a loved one but I can make sure to reach out to those that need to know they are still in my thoughts.

Life is great but life is mean too.  It's been a tough year and I'll need to blog about a "Year in Review" to recap the "highlights" over the past 12 months! Right now I'm trying to focus on being a better person, wife, friend, daughter, sister, etc. I'm trying to enjoy life and not take the holidays for granted. This is so easy to do and we all get wrapped up in the monotony of the holiday madness! I think the purpose of this blog post is to remind us to take a step back and find ways to make this time of year meaningful. Find ways to make it mean something with your loved ones and ways to give back to those that need you!!

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