Don't take your boobs for granted! Don't take your partner's boobs for granted either! You may not need them to get through your day but they are pretty important to most women. They aren't exactly a vital organ but once they get removed it almost feels that way! I'll explain what it's like to get them replaced and hopefully it will urge at least one person who reads this to get screened or tell someone they love to get screened.
Never in my life did I think that one day I would have mine removed and replaced with silicone sacks, that definitely didn't cross my mind! It's surreal now, but I do remember having to think about whether or not I want to get rid of them all together or try to keep them and have them carve out the tumor area. Weird stuff to think about, right?! My choice was to go with a double mastectomy because I wanted them to be the same and I didn't want to worry about them trying to kill me again later.
To be honest, the reconstruction process SUCKS, but I think it was worth doing for me! It is uncomfortable and extremely painful having and recovering from multiple surgeries (3 for me). My body looked disfigured and ugly. I didn't recognize my naked self and worried that I will never be able to look in a mirror again. Over the course of several months (5 months for me) they stretched the skin by filling up the expanders with saline until I got to the size I wanted. Yup, I went slightly bigger...might as well make it worth it! Expanders are temporary implants (pic below) with ports in them so they can stick the ports with saline filled needles and expand them 50-100cc weekly or biweekly. They are uncomfortable and to me it felt like I had cinder block in my chest!
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Expander on left, silicone implant, saline implant |
Next we try and decide what the heck to do about nipples. Never thought I would be discussing that with so many people but there I was talking with my surgeon, husband, mom, sister, friends, and everyone else about nipples. Sometimes they don't take the nipples with mastectomies (they call that nipple sparing) but most of the time they do, it all depends on the tumor location, size, etc. So, they took mine and that was that. Now what? How do you get them back?! Well, doctors are creative and they take skin from the lower belly bikini line area, cut it into circles and form the skin into makeshift nipples that they put on the new breasts. It's crazy and I had no idea this was going on in the world. Oh, and they give you a tummy tuck while they take the skin too so they can graft that fat into your chest and make these new boobs look a little more real. You have the option not to go through this and skip adding nipples. You could just keep them smooth or even just get tattoos that look like nipples. You can even enhance your new fake nipples and have them tattooed a darker shade so they appear a little more realistic, this is what I did. The options are endless!
Tattoos on the nipples may sound painful. But guess what? These new breasts have no feeling.....
nothing, nada, nope! It is weird at first but you get used to this. You know when you get Novocaine at the dentist and you touch your lip and it feels thick? That is pretty much what numb boobs feel like. Once I bumped into a guy at a concert with my new big hard fake expander boobs and he turned around and gave me a nasty look, I about died! I didn't feel my boobs knock into him, so embarrassing. He surely thought someone was pushing him I think! This was when I still had the expanders in and getting them filled with saline and they were hard as rocks, it was actually miserable and very painful towards the end before getting them swapped out for the silicone implants.
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(OCT 2014) My full expanders a month prior to having surgery to swap them out for silicone implants! We are at the 5K Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk in Tampa. |
But again, these new boobs have no feeling. My entire chest, sides, and down inside of my arms had no feeling at first but slowly I seem to get a little feeling back in some areas but it will never be 100% normal. Due to having no ability to feel I've had clothes slip down and not know it, don't feel it! To this day they are numb but it's ok because I survived and I can tell my story and hope it helps someone else.
So that's briefly how boobs are made after cancer takes them from us. Hopefully reading this makes you see that pink ribbons are fun and pretty but in reality breast cancer is not this at all. No cancer is easy to fight and the ribbons simply serve as a reminder for everyone to be aware and be as proactive as you can to avoid going through treatments and surgeries.
Please make note to call and schedule your necessary screening for breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and any other cancer you can! If you are someone reading this and going through treatment and trying to decide on what route to take, think about what you want in 3 years. Think about what you want when you are back to "normal" life. Base your decision on what matters to you and go with it. But be sure to interview the surgeons and ask to see their portfolio of reconstruction pictures. If you don't trust your surgeon, get another one! My breast cancer surgeon was Dr. Catherine Lee and my reconstruction breast surgeon was Dr. Deniz Dayicioglu at Moffitt Cancer Center. These women are brilliant and most definitely experts with what they do. If I had to do it all over again, I would pick them to put me back together!
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(Nov 2014) First picture I took of myself post dbl mastectomy |
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(July 2015) Four months after finishing all 3 surgeries for breast reconstruction |
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(June 2018) Me, back to "normal"! |
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